Wednesday, February 27, 2008

That Was Fast... 2X

1) He's home. Now pray for my mom who has to deal with him. Dad's 18th Birthday is on Friday (he's a leaper)Here's a pic from last year's BDay party:

2) I set a personal record for a run around Lake Merritt last night. With the "help" of my friend Phil I finished 3.2miles in 37:05 Good job, me!

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Spleen Has Left the Body

We made it through surgery & are on the road to recovery. Thanks for all your prayers & wishes. His five pound spleen is gone gone gone & his blood counts are looking good.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


My dad is going in for surgery sometime in the next few days. Continue those prayers & shout-outs (my TNT mates know what I mean)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Miracles & Prayers Accepted

Bill Crawford (my dad) could use your prayers (or whatever) His red blood cell counts are way too low right now. Thanks.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Dark O'Clock is Dang Early

Yes, I woke up at that early hour. You'd think after two full seasons with TEAM I'd be used to the 5AM alarm. At least it wasn't raining. Once I got myself out of bed, fed & in the car I started to get excited about running again. I forgot how good it feels to finish a workout. I ran 1.25 miles in exactly 15mins. For the first time in all my TEAM runs I got a negative split on each lap. For those not in the know of running lingo a negative split is when you run slow on first lap (or distance) & sequentially faster on each following lap. I dropped 1-2 seconds on each lap. Yay me - I do finally figure it out.

So now I'm at work, I've been up for over 5 hours, I've got energy to cruise through all the stuff in the "to do" pile. Watch the "in-box" empty! Tonight I'll hang out with the girls & catch up on Project Runway. Friday is a day of RICE (rest, ice, compress, elevate)so I'm sure there will be nothing to post. See you back here on Saturday!

Here are all the brave souls who made the early workout

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Fuel for the Running

Turkey Chili
After the buddy run last night I stopped by the grocery store to pick up some "high potassium foods" in hopes of avoiding leg cramps this season. I grabbed some dried apricots, an avocado and bananas (obvious). By now it was after my usual dinner time & I was getting hungry - never shop when hungry, right? I wanted something quick & easy but I also wanted to cook something that would make good leftovers for meals the rest of the week. Ground turkey was on sale... I was inspired. What's got more protien, fiber, flavor & spice than a pot of chili?

So here's my recipe:
1.25lb ground turkey
2 pkts of Chili spice (one wasn't enough)
1 14oz can of black beans (rinsed)
1 14oz can of dark red kidney beans (rinsed)
1 14oz can of whole kernel corn (rinsed)
1 28 oz can of diced tomatoes (with liquid)
1/2 small can of diced jalepenos

Brown the meat, add spice packs & all other ingredients. Heat & serve or simmer until the flavors meld to your preference.

If you want to fatten up the dish top with chopped red onions, sharp cheddar cheese &/or sour cream.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Go Team

Are you looking for something to do?