Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Now It's My Turn

Dear friends / members of my "support group" -

I'm in my 6th season with Team in Training in support of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I couldn't have done all of this without your love, encouragement and support. THANK YOU!

This season I want to support you - the family & friends of those dealing with the reality of blood cancers. If you know someone who has been afflicted with a blood-related cancer, I would love to ride in their honor. Please let me know their name(s), relation to you & feel free to share a short bio. These people will inspire me on each training ride and I will wear a bracelet for them on race day.

Thank you for sharing your stories and supporting me in the efforts to find a cure for blood cancers. Click here to make a donation and fund cancer research and patient care.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The History of Team Papa

Team Papa is my small groups of friends and family that have joined Team In Training to raise funds for blood cancer research. We ran & ride in homor & memory of my dad, known as Papa to his grand-kids. Our first event was in the spring of 2007 - the team included me and Melanie I. We raised a good chunk of change and I was bitten by the "endurance event bug". Papa was able to cheer me across the first two finish lines before he passed away in March 2008. Since then the team has grown and the fan club too. Here are pics of each season....
At the finish line of The Avenue of the Giants 2007. Raised over $7,500

At the finish line of Nike Women's 1/2 Marathon 2007. Raised $1,875

The Ave 2008 - Running with Lauren toward the finish line.

Solvang's Finest 2008, Team Papa riders raised $16,760

America's Most Beautiful Bike Ride Team Papa riders raised over $8,000

I wonder who will join Team Papa next? Teams now forming near you: http://www.teamintraining.org/

In the words of Ms. Spears

Woops, I did it again! Yes, I signed up for another season with Team In Training. Yes, I'm fundraising for blood cancer research and patient care. Yes, I'm asking for your support! Please donate now, donate big, donate small, donate often.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

It's Been A While

After a month of ankle injury recovery I decided it was time to dig out the gear, dust off the bike and ride. It's amazing how fast the body can return to sloth! It's also amazing how quickly I felt comfortable on "The Beast".

My ankle didn't hurt to clip in & out of the pedals, phew! My muscles felt strong still, phew! However, my lungs haven't been pushed in over 30 days so that's where I got a good burn. I also haven't been eating/drinking as a rider should so about halfway through the ride my calves started to cramp up.

All in all it was a good 20ish miler with a little up and a little down. Thanks to my ride buddies who held back so I could keep up.

The cobwebs have been cleared and I am a cyclist again.

In case I haven't mentioned it before I am Community Captain for TNT's Fall Cycle Team. I'll be returning to Solvang's Finest, my first century, to see what a year of training will do.

Are you looking for a new challenge? Information Meetings are going on right now for the Fall season. Join Team In Training Ride a century, run or walk a full or half marathon, try a Tri! Change your life while saving another.