Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I Can Run Again!

At least I could last night. I got the OK from Mama Lisa to run for 20 minutes but I ran the whole lake without sharp pains. I ran slow & steady finishing the 3.2 miles in about 40 minutes. I could tell I hadn't run in awhile because my hips felt tired & my breathing wasn't as easy as I like. I have some work to do before the race to be in my best shape. I really want to beat 3 hours but I rather be healthy & finish feeling good & strong.

This past Saturday Yvette & I were in charge of the mentor led run. We picked the evil course of Lake Merrit. Some poor folks had to run the darn thing 3 times - quite a mental challenge. I stayed put at the water stop & cought some photos of my friends & teammates (click the pic to see full album):
Lake Merrit 9/15 Buddy Run
All in all everyone seemed to have a good time.

I am now at 49% of my fundraising goal If you've been waiting for that perfect time to make a donation NOW is the time. I've got to bring in the big bucks by Oct. 5.

Thanks for stopping by & feel free to leave a comment.

My next post will be on Monday following our long run on Saturday. We are supposed to run 7-9 miles but due to my recent time off I'm not sure what my legs & lungs will allow.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Weekend Recap

My training run on Saturday was supposed to be 7-9 miles but I wrapped it up at 6 since my legs were beginning to feel some shin splint pains. We ran along the Alameda Creek Watershed - not a very scenic trail (see pic above). Thankfully the sun was not out because 99% of the trail is without an ounce of shade.

After the run there was another honoree potluck where our new team members get to meet our honorees and hear their stories first hand.

I was reminded that the day of our race would be Cole's 5th birthday. His mom, Brandy, is running with my team to celebrate & honor his short life. Cole was a gift to cancer research when he died and Brandy announced that a new drug is now on the market that developed out of the research performed on Cole. You can read about it here.

It was great to see honoree Michael complete his 16 mile training run at age 60.

I also got a big hug from honoree Vanessa & her big sister, Salina.

After the run I crashed on the couch for a much needed 2 hour nap.

Today my legs need a little special attention because I went to a concert Sat night (too much standing & dancing) and did a 5 mile hike on Sunday for a pancake breakfast on Mt. Tam.

It was a busy fun-filled weekend. I hope you got out & enjoyed your gift of life!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

How Fast?

Sorry for the long wait to update. August was a hard month for training. Hard to get any training in to be specific. I spent the first two weeks of the month in New Orleans and did no running. Then when I got back it was difficult to return to the routine especially when it's been so darn hot outside. I'm a fair weather runner!

September is a new month and a new commitment to the training. I am glad to report that my leg cramps have gone away and I feel pretty good.

This morning our track workout was a partnered speed trial of two miles. A relay where one of the pair sprints one lap at a time 4x (each of us completes one full mile). Before we ran we had to estimate our time to see how much we really know about our running. Tessa and I guessed we'd finish at 17min - we came in at 15.36 so that's pretty darn good.

Being that I'm clearing up a head cold and there is a lot of smoke in the air due to wildfires my lungs were burning up at the end. I'm still hacking & coughing several hours later. I am glad tomorrow is a day of rest.

Saturday we have a 7-9 mile run. If anything exciting happens I'll be sure to post right quick.

My fundraising efforts are starting to pick back up. Feel free to make a donation if you hate blood cancer!