Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Honoree Sheryl

My name is Sheryl Braum and I was diagnosed in 2001 with Hodgkin lymphoma. I had a mass in my chest that was literally the size of a football. It collapsed my left lung and pushed my heart back into my chest cavity and oh yes, it gave me a blood clot as well. I went through several surgical biopsies, bone marrow biopsies, chemo and radiation and went into remission for 15 months. However, I had a cancer relapse and underwent more high dose chemo and an autologous stem cell transplant. Since then, I have had the great fortune of being in remission. I have had a few scares that have bought me some more hospital time in the ICU-but all is good and life is GREAT! I want to thank all of you for taking the time to train and raise money for blood cancer victims. The money that you are raising will help many people out there who are counting on research to save their lives. I know, because I have been one of them.
As a fellow TNTr I have had the chance to ride a couple of centuries in seasons past and have met some phenomenal people-people like you who care enough to truly give back and help out others in need. I am in awe of all of you because of your commitment to train, endure and matter (TEAM)! Please do not hesitate to ask me how I can help you with fundraising. I am only an e-mail away (+:

With much thanks,

Hodgkin lymphoma IIB/large, bulky mediastinal mass Stanford V chemo & rads
relapse 15 mo. later high dose chemo & autologous stem cell transplant remission since 2002 big scare 2009-but biopsy=negative

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