Thursday, April 26, 2007

Faster Than Lightning

Today our track workout was a learning about how fast we really are. Coach told us we were going to run a mile as fast as we can to test our understanding of our ability. We had to predict how fast we could run four laps of the track, run them & see how well we know ourselves. I guessed that I could run the mile in 12 minutes.

We did 1/2 mile warm up, our usual stretches, shout outs, cheers and a moment of silence then off to the races. The first lap was OK & coach was impressed by my rhythm. The second lap the breathing was harder. The third lap I know I slowed. As I came around the last turn into the home stretch I heard them counting: 9.25, 9.30 I kicked on the power boosters...9.31, 32, 33, 34 & I crossed the line at 9.37.

Whoooo hooo under 10 minutes. I know I couldn't keep that pace up for another lap but I was impressed with my time.

At the end of the cool down laps coached looked at the clipboard where we all predicted out times. "Hey! Where's Sarah? She doesn't know squat!"

I've never run for speed - I run a pace I know I can keep up with for the duration. I expect I'll finish the race next weekend somewhere in the 12-13 min. mile pace. I'm OK with that. A few months ago I couldn't keep going beyond a mile & it took over 15 minutes to do it.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

New Commitment

I went to the meeting last night to become a mentor for the summer season marathon team. I'll be assigned a group of 8-12 runners and work with them to achieve their goals (to cross both the race & fundraising finish line).

During this past season my big hurdle was staying healthy & uninjured while running. Raising the money was easy due to the generosity of friends like you. Now that I know I can complete a 1/2 marathon I will have to focus on the challenge of education & fundraising for a second season.

As long as families and friends have to endure the loss of a loved one to blood cancer I will have a commitment to this cause. My season as a participant ends soon and I'll have to shift my focus to help others get through the aches & pains of running and fundraising. If you are interested in joining TNT to train for a marathon let me know. It would be great to have you on my team!

To everyone who has already given so generously, THANK YOU! I may need your help again soon. To all my readers who have yet to give I will count on your support this next season.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Not Broken!!!

Injury update: The doctor just left a message that my x-ray was clear. I guess the pain is a muscle or ligament problem. According to Dr. Lu my left ankle is less stable than the right. That's what I get for years of rolling & twisting my ankle in softball & soccer.

Other news:I think I am going to accept the offer to be a mentor for the next season. Now I have to decide if I want to run the Maui half in Sept. or Nike Women's half in Oct. A message to all my friends & regular readers who haven't yet made their donation to LLS - I've exceeded my financial goal for The Avenue so please wait until next season because I'll need your help then.

Thanks for checking in. I've got to go ice my foot now.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Maybe... Maybe Not

I went to the doctor today to see if I have a stress fracture on the lateral side of my left foot.

I fell down the stairs at the movie theater a few weeks ago - amazed that I didn't do big damage to myself but thought I felt some tenderness in my left foot. Nothing big came up so I felt lucky. On the Sat run whenever I hit an uneven patch I felt a "zing" in my left foot. I didn't think much of it as I was able to finish the 8 mile run.

Sunday I became aware of the pain. With each step a small but sharp pain sent a message that something isn't quite right. I called the Dr & went in for x-rays today.

I'll let you know what I hear. For now I am using an ice pack & trying not to move around too much. I have three weeks to heal.

Thursday is the celebration of Brenda's Life. She passed away Sat evening.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

8 Mile

8 Mile is not just a movie starring Eminem! That's how far I ran today. Why am I proud of that? 1) I've been sick all week with congestion, coughing, sneezing, sore throat & inconsistent sleeps. 2) I haven't run since March 18 due to incredibly painful shin splints.

I wasn't sure I should go to the workout today because of the cold & the predicted rain but I figure I could go out for a mile or two & then rest. I just kept kept running & before I knew it I was at the 4mile turnaround. At mile 6 the rain started & kept getting harder & harder. I was a soaked rat by the time I got back to home base.

In an effort to recover & prevent shin splints I just took an ice bath. Whooo hoooo that's cold! It was painful at first but then it started to feel good & refreshing. As I type I can feel the warm fresh blood returning to my tired little legs. Hopefully the ice bath will keep the shin splints to a minimum so I can tackle the "LONG RUN" of 10 miles next weekend.

I've got two weeks left to train.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Continue to pray

This message from Brenda was just posted on our team website.
I started this journey after learning about something called AML in a small room with Miah, Karri, Jim and Dr. Salganick in Concord, CA. My boys were then just 6 and 8.

After feeling short of breath and tired, as I do today, I remain seated just as I was in a hosptal bed then being summoned and knocked down by a deadly disease that would change my life in so many ways. Not only would it instantly humble me and make me feel invincible, it would subtract years from my life, scare friends away, add new compassionate ones into my life and inspire and motivate new people like no other.

I always knew in my life that I was here for a reason. My reason was always to help others. I told Dad that whenever I saw one of those"Help Wanted" signs in the window, I was the one that could fit the bill. I especially loved the Air Emissions Quality team sign and the Brown's Chicken's sign.

I could help, no matter what the job was. Anyhow, I ended up being a "helper".

I generally just helped. No matter who, where, what. I smiled and laughed and pretended I knew what I was doing. It didn't matter. As long as I felt I was included and on the center of a stage. Even if it was singing "BABY GOT BACK" in front of a large group!

Through these years I have absolutely NO regrets. I worked hard and played even harder. I never said a swear word, always went to school on time, and won the PE award in high school.

In fact, 3 days ago I just crawled up the stairs.

And now, I'm back in bed still hooked up, still using a commode, and wearing a purple t-shirt that says (in orange writing) "freakisly strong" while covered with a wonderful TNT blanket that was knitted for me just weeks ago.

Now I peacefully await and end the battle that has attacked my 36-year-old body surrounded by my most beautiful family and friends. Surreal, but true, this is really happening.

We all wait. Me, my family and friends that are here now, and all of you. Even though you're not here with me physically (it would simply be impossible for all of you to fit in this room), I want you to know I feel you and know you're here. I love all of you.

Thank you for loving and supporting me. Please continue to pour it out on my three boys.

Brenda is one honoree for our team that I have never met. She went into ICU just before this run season's big kick-off event. She's been a big inspiration to my training. She's my age & she's dying. Remember Brenda and all those fighting blood cancers as you go about your day today. Be thankful for your health.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Pray for the Donato Family

We just got news that Brenda's doctors give her 12-36 hours. Please pray for her to have a peaceful passing. Please pray for her family.

Stupid Cold

The germs have attacked! I spent the day yesterday napping, shivering, sweating & catching up on recorded TV shows, enjoying popsicles and Campbell's Chicken & Stars (my fav soup when sick). Thankfully this magic juice works. Apparently I hit the alarm off this AM & went right back to sleepy land. Hopefully I'll be able to run on Saturday when we are supposed to get 7-9 miles under our belt.

I've been asked to be a mentor for next season. Should I make the commitment to another season?

PS - if you google images for "sore throat" be prepared for some nasty pictures.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

I Can Run!!!

To my regular visitors I apologize for not having a picture with today's post. I did a google image search for "blister" and used my best judgement not to use any art.

Today was my first run since the Emerald Nuts Race on March 18. It was a perfect day to test out my legs as it was a bit cool & foggy outside. I was able to run without pain in my shins - it was so nice. One downside to having not run for a long time my pre-run routine was forgotten about. I did not tape my feet and developed a HUGE blister. At about 3/4 of the way around the lake I had to walk. I handed my key to Mel and told her I'd meet her at the car. Lukily she waited for me.

I'm glad to say I'm back in the game... er, race.

Tonight I'm catching up on my "thank you" notes and enjoying a class of '97 Cab. (please don't tell coach).


Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Couch Potatoes

Just so you know what's going on (since I'm still not running) ....

In addition to all the training I'm not doing we are also having our front deck rebuilt & the interiors spruced up. So when I am at home I get to sit among the chaos of boxes, everything out of place & construction debris. See for yourself...

Monday, April 2, 2007


Not much news to report on my training as I was celebrating the wedding of my college roommate this weekend. I'm sure there are some electrolytes in vodka tonics - I kept up my fluid intake that's for sure. It was a great weekend with old friends. Now back to the running!

What news I do have to report is that thanks to you, my generous friends & family, I have exceeded my fundraising goal. Thank you for digging deep and giving to The Leukemia & Cancer Society. The honorees of my run team thank you:Brenda, Cole, Vanessa, Adriana, Harrison, Joe, Kendra, Michael, Bill, Sybil

I have one month of training left.