Saturday, April 7, 2007

I Can Run!!!

To my regular visitors I apologize for not having a picture with today's post. I did a google image search for "blister" and used my best judgement not to use any art.

Today was my first run since the Emerald Nuts Race on March 18. It was a perfect day to test out my legs as it was a bit cool & foggy outside. I was able to run without pain in my shins - it was so nice. One downside to having not run for a long time my pre-run routine was forgotten about. I did not tape my feet and developed a HUGE blister. At about 3/4 of the way around the lake I had to walk. I handed my key to Mel and told her I'd meet her at the car. Lukily she waited for me.

I'm glad to say I'm back in the game... er, race.

Tonight I'm catching up on my "thank you" notes and enjoying a class of '97 Cab. (please don't tell coach).


1 comment:

RedBullMom said...

Welcome back to running! At least your ancestry of tight, inflexible muscles gave you a good attitude too.