Monday, April 2, 2007


Not much news to report on my training as I was celebrating the wedding of my college roommate this weekend. I'm sure there are some electrolytes in vodka tonics - I kept up my fluid intake that's for sure. It was a great weekend with old friends. Now back to the running!

What news I do have to report is that thanks to you, my generous friends & family, I have exceeded my fundraising goal. Thank you for digging deep and giving to The Leukemia & Cancer Society. The honorees of my run team thank you:Brenda, Cole, Vanessa, Adriana, Harrison, Joe, Kendra, Michael, Bill, Sybil

I have one month of training left.


KateC said...

Congratulations Sarah,
Your fundraising has been a great success.
That bodes well for the event itself.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Yea for your team! Congratulations and good luck as you continue this awesome effort.
